In August of 2006, in direct response to the cuts in arts education funding in Monroe County, the Keys Community School of the Arts was formed to ensure that the need for this integral part of our culture would not be left unfulfilled within our community.

Our mission is to bring quality arts education to the Florida Keys community through our summer programming and arts outreach in the Monroe County school system. Our presence has been felt through our partnerships with Mary Immaculate Star of the Sea School, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Sigsbee Charter School, Montessori May Sands and the Key West High School’s Art For the World Project for Haiti. We also continue to perform throughout the community, as we have done for the past 14 years.

As a group of educators, we strongly believe in the benefits of engagement in the arts and the strong effects it has on the young burgeoning minds of our community’s youth. We strive to continue to introduce the arts and art world to all children regardless of their social and or economic background.